Stena Line, Nordic Region
One of the immediate and highly-efficient solutions to meet our needs was BRUXSAFOL window film, which has been successfully installed on the windows in our ships.

Excessive fuel use and hot spots
Bruxsafol window film LX-70
Amount of film:
apprx.. 2.847 m2
Solar Energy Reduction
Reduces Cooling Costs
Increases the energy efficiency
(helps the environment)
Glare reduction
Enhances the view out
Reduces hot spots
Creates a comfortable environment Reduces fade damage
Stena Line stays cool, saves money and increases energy efficiency with Solar Gard
Stena Line selects Solar Gard window film to help conserve energy among its fleet of ships. With the installation of Solar Gard advanced solar control window film, industry leader Stena Line minimizes fuel consumption, improves comfort for passengers and employees and significantly lowers air conditioning use. The savings based on the cost of air conditioning has been calculated to be approximately 247,000 kWh/year, which could equal fuel savings of 58 m3/15,321 U.S. gallons for one ship. The collaboration between Stena Line and Solar Gard creates vast opportunities, both for the maritime industry leader and the environment.
Lars-Erik Hellring, project manager for Energy Saving Project at Stena Line said: “As one of the largest ferry operators in the world, we realize that it is our social responsibility to do everything possible to protect the environment through energy conservation techniques.”
“One of the immediate and highly-efficient solutions to meet our needs was Solar Gard window film, which has been successfully installed on the windows in nine of our ships. We are anticipating the rest of our fleet to be equipped in the coming months. According to tests by ECIS (EnergyConsultants in Sweden), the measured surrounding air temperature decreases up to +6 degrees Celsius/42 degrees Fahrenheit in a cabin with Solar Gard window film installed, compared to a similar
cabin without film installed
-depending on the weather conditions over the year. The result is approximately 247,000 kWh/year less air conditioning consumption, which could equal fuel savings of 58 m3/15,321 U.S. gallons for one ship.”